Simple English Forced Alignment


You should get this done by 1/27/2016. Turn in the alignment files resulting from step 6 below, using the Canvas site.

1. In a terminal window, log in to Be sure that /usr/local/bin is on your PATH. You can check this with

echo $PATH

It should be there by default -- if not, contact someone in authority.

2. As inputs, you will need an audio file and a transcript file.

The audio should be a single-track (mono) file with a sampling rate of 16000 Hz or higher. (We'll see later what to do with stereo files, and rates of 11025 or 8000 Hz.) You can diagnose the file type by using soxi -- and you can modify it with sox.

The transcript should be plain text, without speaker indications, comments, stage directions, etc. It can (and should) include notes on various non-speech sounds:

{breath} {noise} {laugh} {cough} {lipsmack}{SL}

(where "{SL}" means silence). We'll see later how to transform transcripts in various other formats in a suitable way.

3. The command to perform the alignment has the form wavfile trsfile outputfile_alignment outputfile_words

where "wavfile trsfile outputfile_alignment outputfile_words" are four arbitrary file names, two inputs and two outputs. This is a python wrapper for the HTK "Hidden Markov Model Toolkit", written by Jiahong Yuan, who also prepared the acoustic models.

To try this out for yourself, you should start by creating a subdirectory (= "folder") to work in, for example

cd $HOME
mkdir AlignTest 

Then copy to that location, from /plab/L521, the audio file CPAC1x2.wav and the transcript file CPACx2.txt:

cd /plab/L521
cp CPAC1x2.wav CPAC1x2.txt $HOME/AlignTest 

That audio is from the start of this Morning Edition story:

and the transcript looks like this:

Many conservative activists are at a gathering just outside Washington. It's the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, or C PAC.
This is a must attend event
for potential G O P presidential candidates.
Today former Florida governor Jeb Bush will speak. Yesterday there were some strong statements from other big-name Republicans expected to run, including Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, whose sudden rise in the polls, especially in Iowa, has gotten him a lot of attention. Here's N P R's Don Gonyea.

Now you should be able to execute

cd $HOME/AlignTest CPAC1x2.wav CPAC1x2.txt CPAC1x2.align CPAC1x2.words

The "words" output files contains one line per input word, with estimated start and end times in seconds

0.0125 0.1325 {SL}
0.1325 0.2925 Many
0.2925 0.8425 conservative
0.8425 1.5625 activists
1.5625 1.6825 are
1.6825 1.8125 at
1.8125 1.8425 a
1.8425 2.2825 gathering
2.2825 2.5225 just
2.5225 2.8925 outside
2.8925 3.4225 Washington

After two lines that don't matter to us here, the "align" output file contains one line per hypothesized phonetic segment, with estimated start and end times in units of 100 microseconds (tenth of a millisecond). In addition, the segments that begin a word have an extra field representing the word. (This is a standard form for HTK output files...)

0 0 sp -0.156736 sp
0 1200000 sil -97.223206 {SL}
1200000 1600000 M 20.978649 MANY
1600000 1900000 EH1 44.813168
1900000 2300000 N 71.031631
2300000 2800000 IY0 45.456978
2800000 2800000 sp -0.156736 sp
2800000 3400000 K 32.391029 CONSERVATIVE
3400000 3700000 AH0 31.655924
3700000 4000000 N 6.362144
4000000 5300000 S 182.738312
5300000 6200000 ER1 180.644257
6200000 6700000 V 97.627357
6700000 7000000 AH0 44.233978
7000000 7300000 T 33.834343
7300000 7700000 IH0 56.453571
7700000 8300000 V 111.478081
8300000 8300000 sp -0.156736 sp
8300000 10300000 AE1 -16.515697 ACTIVISTS
10300000 10900000 K 46.422062
10900000 11500000 T -62.413967
11500000 11900000 IH0 78.903839
11900000 12700000 V 265.881256
12700000 13300000 AH0 171.342468
13300000 14500000 S 150.116013
14500000 15500000 S 65.163620
15500000 15500000 sp -0.156736 sp

Note that the "word" file times, in seconds, are not only divided by 10,000,000, but also have .0125 seconds (12.5 milliseconds) added. The added time is due to the fact that HTK's times represent the beginning of a 25-msec analysis window.

4. To turn the "align" file into a Praat TextGrid, you can execute e.g.

align2textgrid CPAC1x2.align >CPAC1x2.TextGrid

The align2textgrid program is here. Create a directory $HOME/bin, if it doesn't already exist; put the align2textgrid program there; and make sure that your bin directory is on your $PATH.

Run the align2textgrid program as suggested above; copy the resulting .TextGrid file to an interactive computer (e.g. your laptop), along with the associated .wav file; and use Praat to inspect and check the alignment.

5. A longer example is Barack Obama's weekly radio address from 1/9/2010 (transcript here):


soxi tells us that it's 5:54.37 long:

$ soxi 010910_WeeklyAddress.wav

Input File : '010910_WeeklyAddress.wav'
Channels : 1
Sample Rate : 16000
Precision : 16-bit
Duration : 00:05:34.37 = 5349878 samples ~ 25077.6 CDDA sectors
File Size : 10.7M
Bit Rate : 256k
Sample Encoding: 16-bit Signed Integer PCM

Again, copy the 010910_WeeklyAddress.wav and 010910_WeeklyAddress.txt files from /plab/L521 to your AlignTest directory, and align the file via: 010910_WeeklyAddress.wav 010910_WeeklyAddress.txt 010910_WeeklyAddress.align 010910_WeeklyAddress.wrd

And then create a textgrid:

align2textgrid 010910_WeeklyAddress.align >010910_WeeklyAddress.TextGrid

As a check, copy 010910_WeeklyAddress.wav and 010910_WeeklyAddress.TextGrid from your AlignTest directory on to your local machine, and check in Praat that the alignment is a sensible one.

6. Now try the same thing with some of your own speech data. It can be a short sentence, or a long interview -- your choice. I recommend starting with some material of decent recording quality.

Later on, we'll learn how to correct such alignments with minimal human labor, and how to create and use aligners for other languages.

[Forced aligner code by Jiahong Yuan]