Analysis of External Parameter Files (1)

Linguistics 521 Exercise #7, due 4/20/2016:
Analyzing f0 in terms of designated time spans

In, you'll find some files relating to this radio program.


WillieNelson.wav -- audio
WillieNelson.f0 -- output of get_f0a -i WillieNelson.wav -w 0.005
WillieNelson.trs -- transcript in Transcriber format
WillieNelson.slab -- label file with three columns, STARTTIME ENDTIME SPEAKER

Verify that you can read the .f0 file into R, using read.table(), and display the f0 for a given span of time, e.g. the span from about 304.5 to 305.7 where Terry Gross says "... one of your songs ..."

We'll go over in class how to do that -- keep in mind the lessons in "Frames and Times".

Now write an R script that

  1. reads the .f0 file and the .slab files using read.table()
  2. determines the frames corresponding to speech identified as being from "TerryGross" and "WillieNelson"
  3. calculates f0 quantiles for each of those two speakers, from 5% to 95% by increments of 5%
  4. plots the results in Hz
  5. plots the results in semitones relative to 55 Hz

Upload your script to the course Canvas site.