How to find things out about Ling001

For most course information, start from the schedule, which gives the topic of each lecture, the associated pages in the reading, and a description of any associated class handouts. The schedule page also has hyperlinks to on-line lecture notes for each topic. These lecture notes in turn contain links to other useful web sites.

For any other questions about the course structure, please email the instructors.

Information about computing at Penn

You can get information about computing resources at Penn from several sources. Your first resource should be your "local support provider." If you don't know who that is, you can find out from the Computing Resource Center, 3732 Locust Walk, or by calling First Call at 573-4778.
Another source of information is the computing page of the university's web site. Of special interest may be the table of campus computing labs.

Some other links

Start with the textbook and the on-line lecture notes. If you want to go into something in more depth, look at the books on reserve in the library, or try these internet links:

 Lexicon of Linguistics
 The sci.lang FAQ
 The LINGUIST list web site
 Ethnologue, 13th edition, 1996
 The comp.speech FAQ
 UPenn Linguistics Department Home Page
 The International Phonetic Alphabet
 Library of Natural Sounds
 Grammar and Style Notes
 Singular "their" in Jane Austen and elsewhere: Anti-pedantry page
 Rhetorical Figures
The Human-Languages Page
 Chimpanzee and Great Ape Language Resources--Anthropology Department, Brown University
 Communication with Parrots: The Pepperberg Homepage
 Semiotics for Beginners - US Mirror
  All the Scripts in the World
 Applied Linguistics Virtual Library
 The Association for Computational Linguistics

You can also sometimes find useful things by searching the internet via one of the commercial search engines.

Netscape's search page
with links to all the major search services

|LING001 Homepage |Schedule |UPenn Linguistics |LINGUIST list |Search |
Questions, suggestions and comments to Mark Liberman.