LING 001: Schedule of lectures and readings

Follow the links in the middle column, where available, for lecture notes and web-accessible background. New links will appear each week for the current topics. The right-most column gives page references in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language, or a description of a class handout (in parentheses).
We 9/3  Introduction to the course  (questionnaire)
Mo 9/8  Approaches to the study of language 1-14 
We 9/10  Prescriptive and descriptive linguistics  336-342, 366-371
Mo 9/15  Communication: a biological perspectives 400-407 
We 9/17  Communication: philosophical and mathematical perspectives  
Mo 9/22  Levels of linguistic analysis 80-99
We 9/24  The structure of words: morphology  (Language Files 5.1-5.7)
Mo 9/29  The sound of linguistic structure: phonetics 123-161
We 10/1  The structure of linguistic sound: phonology 162-176
Mo 10/6  Phrases and sentences: syntax I  (Language Files 6.1-6.7)
We 10/8  Formal models of language structure: syntax II  94-99 
We 10/15  Language and identity: sociolinguistics I  18-47
Mo 10/20  Language in the world: sociolinguistics II  343-398
We 10/22  MIDTERM   
Mo 10/27  Language and gender  18-22 
We 10/29  Linguistic form in ritual and play: song, verse, language games   48-80, 176-178
Mo 11/3
Survey of Linguistics courses, spring term 1998
We 11/5  The meaning of language: semantics and pragmatics  100-122
Mo 11/10  Reading and writing  180-219
We 11/12  Child language acquisition 230-257
Mo 11/17  Language production and perception  
We 11/19  Neurology and pathology of language 258-283
Mo 11/24  Signed and spoken language 220-227
We 11/26  Language change 330-341
Mo 12/1  Languages of the world: past, present and future 284-329
We 12/3  Human and non-human communication 400-407
Mo 12/8  Review 408-418
Mo 12/16  FINAL EXAM   

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Questions, suggestions and comments to Mark Liberman.