Debby IV

Debby IV, age 24 months, playing with toys and looking at books.

Note: Explanatory remarks are in [ ... ]; lines are numbered so you can cite them

1. Mom: Do you see Bert, Debby?
2. Debby: I don't see him. . . right here!

3. That not go in here! [color matching]
4. I can't do it [having trouble sticking a block in]<
5. No shoes on Mommy [one of the monsters]

6. Mom: You put them all back Debby.

7. Debby: Dump 'em out Mom.
8. Can you? [Mom tries to help]
9. No, me do it!
10. No, no Mommy.
11. Where's this one goes, here?
12. It doesn't fit in Mommy.
13. I don't want that.
14. Let's put it away.
15. I got to fill it up.
16. One piece missing.
17. Fill it up, and then.
18. Another one Mommy.
19. One is missing Mommy.

20. Mom: Where, Darling?

21. Debby: I'm looking for it. [bigger kids go off to look at pictures]
22. I want to go too Mom.
23. I found my donut Mom.
24. I want to peek inside. [wants to go where bigger kids are]
25. I want to see what Annie is doing, [Annie is Debby's big sister]
26. and you do too.
27. I want peek inside
28. and see what Annie is doing.
29. [Mom distracts Debby with colorforms
30. (plastic cutout figures that stick on a background)
31. Did he come off? [colorform figure]
32. One is missing.
33. I don't know where it is.
34. Where's Annie?
35. In her room. [answers her own question]

36. Mom: Lots of pieces are missing Debby. [now doing jigsaw puzzle]

37. Debby: I guess so. There. Behind me.
38. All done. It's all done. [puzzle]
39. It's very soon.
40. Maybe he's sleep. [looking around at stuffed Sesame St. figures]
41. And Bert's awake,
42. and Ernie's sleeping.
43. I don't know.

44. No no I can't [inaud.] [re Berenstain Bears book on strangers]
45. all those people I said.
46. The people are not for you Sister.
47. The man says no.

48. Are you seeing a mouse? [re Christmas mouse book]
49. He's behind the car.
50. Look at that mouse over, the bear and the rabbit.

51. Mom: Ask the bear if he wants to read the book.
52. Debby: Bear, you want look into book? [Debby shows the book to her toy bear]
53. Listen Bear, have a gingerbread house.
54. Listen Teddy Bear.
55. Listen, a reindeer.
56. This is a bow and this is a mouse.
57. A mouse, bear!
58. Know what? He's behind the car.
59. The end.
60. The cheese. [this is on the last page of the book]

61. Mom: Did the bear like that book?

62. Debby: He wants to read it again.
63. Listen, Bear, listen to it.
64. So happy, read that book.
65. I'm so happy to read that book.

66. Mom: Ask the bear if he likes that book.

67. Debby: Ah Bear, you like it?
68. So happy and so good reading this book.
69. Look at that too. [showing something to bear]

70. Mom: Does he like the book?

71. Debby: He likes it.
72. So happy and so fun.
73. What's the mouse doin' in the candies?
74. What's this mouse, bear?
75. What this is Mommy?
76. What this is Mommy?

77. Mom: That's a panda bear.

78. Debby: A panda bear! I guess so.
79. This [her white bear] is a panda bear too.
80. No this is not a panda bear.
81. I'm so happy to see you! [to bear]
82. I'm so happy to see you!
83. I'm so happy to see you!

84. I will read that one.
85. I no like that book.
86. Can you read it to me?
87. That lady's upside down!
88. That lady's upside down!
89. That lady's upside down!

90. Mom: Ask Panda Bear if he likes the book.

91. Debby: Panda Bear, are you like it?
92. You can read it; I can't read it.
93. Bear, are you liking it?
94. Oh it broke, sorry it broke. [page of the book ripped]
95. Band-new tape on it.
96. Are you liking it? I don't like it.
97. Mommy it broke.
98. Are you liking it? I don't like it.

99. Mom: Who doesn't like it?

100. Debby:
101. That bear likes it.
102. He know it broke.
103. Are you liking- Annie come on!! [to her sister who has emerged from her room]
104. Are you liking it?
105. Daddy's hammering the blocks? [hearing hammering sound outside her room]