Debby III, 21 months

Debby III, 21 months Note: In this file, separate discourses are separated by a space of one line.

1. Mom: Let's change your shirt.
2. Debby: No I want leave my jamas on!

3. Bump me head! You kiss it.

4. Put top on, back on [giving Mom pen lid]

5. Help me. [to do puzzle]
6. Put my shoe back on.
7. Push me in back.
8. I did it myself.

9. Mom: All right if you be careful. [Debby wants to jump down from bed]
10. Debby: I be careful.
11. Mom: Are you a silly girl?
12. Debby: Silly me!
13. Mom: Who's my little Debby?
14. Debby: Fine!

15. I take this baby right there. [removing stuff from her bed]
16. I take this pillow out.
17. Tiny red apples! [commenting on picture in book]
18. Tiny red apples!

19. Mom: I don't think there IS any in there Debby.
20. Debby: I gon find any.
21. I find any Mom. [2 minutes later, having found some]
22. Your lo, Mom. [lo= wallet]

23. I want nother paper.
24. How 'bout green?

25. Broken.
26. THAT one's fine!

27. That's me yoghurt.
28. How 'bout this one?

29. Where my shoes are?
30. How about ...? [unfinished]

31. Here.

32. Hold it.
33. I don't want it.

34. Daddy said no, button. [crying; Daddy said don't touch VCR buttons]

35. I like Princess Bide at Lala's house. [commenting on a movie she saw]

36. Where's my socks?
37. I don't know my socks are.
38. I don't know my socks are.

39. I sitting on it.

40. Put it back on.

41. Mom: What do you see on that paper Debby?
42. Debby: ABC book.

43. THIS page. Yellow.
44. I read.

45. Mommy's purse.
46. Papers here.

47. I wash it! [washing apple]
48. I need soap.

49. Debby: Yellow, Ma yellow.
50. Mom: Where's yellow?
51. Debby: Right there. [correctly identifies it]

52. My sit here!
53. I sit here! [wanting to sit on a certain chair]
54. Mommy's knee.
55. I want this.

56. My apple right there.
57. Right down here!

58. Debby: I want my blanket. [in bed]
59. Now cat goes right there.
60. Mom: What cat goes right there?
61. Debby: Cat! goes right there!
62. Goodnight cat.
63. Cat goes right there.
64. Nice carrot [??]
65. [singing] .. nine, ten...
66. Daddy says "take sheep".
67. Pillow this side.
68. Animals sleep dai [??]
69. Daisez [???] seep a back!
70. Me my jamas.
71. Sleep cat.
72. Here cat, here cat.
73. Play with my jamas.
74. No cat!
75. Sleep cat. Sleep-, this-, my,-
76. Daesez to sleep.
77. Anyway, daesez, seep.
78. Daesez, seep.
79. Mom: Daddy says "sleep"?? [Mom is puzzled]
80. No, daesez, sheep. Bye bye.
81. Daeysez, seep,
82. Mom: Mommy's glasses??
83. I better go find them.
84. Debby: I like find them too.
85. Daeysez! [spends the next 5 minutes repeating this word about 100 times]
86. Daeysez, take!
87. I want down!
88. I like down please.
89. I coming up.
90. I coming up too.
91. I like come up too.
92. I coming up too.
93. I coming down myself.

94. Dad: I'm a lion, grrr!
95. Debby: I lion too.
96. Me hat, me hat!
97. I dog too uh
98. I come down by myself.
99. I coming up too.

100. This one goes right there!
101. Now this one!
102. My did it!
103. I did it!
104. Now this one.
105. There this one.

106. See this nose, eyes nose.
107. Eyes goes right there.
108. Nose goes right there.
109. Dad: What are you doing Deb?
110. Debby: [unintell] back on his nose!

111. This chair broke.
112. Dad: I'll have to take it away and glue it.
113. Debby: Oh Daddy did it!
114. This broke, this one.

115. Put this one on Annie.

116. I know what. [introducing a topic]
117. Mom: What?
118. Debby: This letter say boon [=balloon?]
119. This goes right there.
120. Number two.
121. Say boon. Boona. Baby boon.

122. Mommy I went on ladder. [1/2 way up ladder to sister's bunk bed]

123. I get it!
124. Loo [=you] get it! [trying to put man through chimney of toy]
125. Loo [=you] get it!

126. Mom: Are you coming upstairs Debby?
127. Debby: I busy writing nose. [drawing]

128. Here Mommy I don't want it.

129. There goes Ernie.

130. Mom: Pink is a nice color.
131. Debby: Yes, pink, nice, color.
132. Mom: Pink is good.
133. Debby: No, lellow's dood [= yellow's good]
134. That one's no dood.
135. Lellow's dood.

136. No pants on.
137. No pants on, Annie.
138. Dad: Who has no pants?
139. Debby: Me, me have no pants.
140. No, no, I HAVE pants on!

141. Mom: Where are your stickers?
142. Debby: Not here.
143. I don't find them.
144. On table.
145. On my table.
146. I like write eyes.
147. Look at me salling (??) Dad.
148. Mom: Oh, Daddy got your toes!
149. Debby: Daddy dot my toes! [=got]
150. Daddy dot my toes!
151.Daddy dot my toes!
Daddy dot my toes!
Daddy dot my toes!
Daddy dot my toes!

155. Give me this ball.
156. Push the back Mommy.
157. I lose ball Mom.
158. Daddy got it.
159. Gimme this ball, Dad.
160. Gimme this ball, Dad.
161. Gimme this ball, Dad.

162. How 'bout cootie game? [introducing idea of playing game]
163. Mom: Oh I like to play cootie games.
164. Debby: I like it too.
165. I LOVE it.
166. I take leg off. [the plastic cootie]