Debby II

Age 18 months, playing with toys


1. Daddy bash [reaching for Daddy's brush]
2. Daddy bashi [using Daddy's brush on her hair]
3. Annie bash

4. Annie bash [thinking where Annie's brush might be?]

[sitting on floor with Daddy's brush, waiting for Mom to come sit down so she can brush Mom's hair]

5. Mami, seaty [siti] [=come sit down]

6. ham! [=camera]
7. ham opi [= camera open]
8. ham, opi
9. opi opi
10. here Mami, opi opi

11. opi page [looking at a book]
12. opi page

Mom: Hi, fish!
13. Debby: Hi owl! [to owl in book, with hand gesture]

14. up seat, up seat [wanting to get up on a chair]

15. Daddy, shoe [on finding it and playing with it on the floor]

16. [hUvU br'ke] ["shovel broken" (self-generated, on finding

plastic sand shovel broken]

17. Dadi pUm [said confidently; meaning unknown]

. . .

18. apu Annie [(here's a) diaper, Annie]

19. Mommy goe ['glasses"]

20. Daddy tUppU [= supper? (= Daddy coming to breakfast)]

21. Mommy pants [handing Mom her shorts]

22. Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, mik piyz [milk please]
23. Mommy, [At] [out of own seat]
24. Mommy, table [tibO] [getting up in Mom's chair]

25. book, Mommy

26. Mommy, Annie shoe

18 months, 2 weeks

27. dark! [switching off light]

28. cracker me [getting a cracker for herself]

29. Mommy suit [toot]
30. Mommy, beach
31. [h'ms suit] [= him's suit??]
32. mine suit
33. Annie's [not in relation to anything]
34. dadis
35. dadis, ...l... [='wallet']
36. light, on

37. Daddy swimming! [at the beach]
38. oshi [= 'ocean', in water]
39. supper! [wanting to get out]
40. Bye oshi!
41. Home!
42. Bye oshi! [from above beach on road]

43. "Ee ai ee ai oh!" [on mention of "eating at McDonald's"]

44. Mommy cereal, more cereal! [after breakfast, going back to the table]

45. soap down! [dropped soap on floor while washing at the bathroom sink]