Papers by Penn Linguists

The following Penn-affiliated linguists have made papers available online. Where possible they are listed with their professional interests for easier browsing. The links will take you to each person's homepage. Where applicable, additional links are provided to a separate index of papers and ftp directory with downloadable papers (which might not contain exactly the same papers as the index!)

This list may be incomplete or out of date! If you are looking for papers by someone who is not listed here, it is best to try their homepage anyway.


Gene Buckley [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Formal phonology, phonology-morphology interaction, phonological explanation, Native American and Ethio-Semitic linguistics
Robin Clark [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Mathematical linguistics and formal semantics, acquisition and learnability, formal syntax
Aravind Joshi
Mathematical and processing models of language
Anthony Kroch [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Formal syntax, modern and historical Germanic syntax, statistical patterning of syntactic usage
William Labov [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Sociolinguistics, language change, speech perception and production, research on reading
Mark Liberman
Phonetics, prosody, natural language processing, speech communication
Rolf Noyer [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Theoretical phonology, morphology, morphosyntax. Huave, Kiowa-Tanoan, and Australian linguistics
Ellen Prince [ ftp directory ]
Discourse functions of syntax, language contact phenomena, Yiddish
Donald Ringe [ ftp directory ]
Historical linguistics, Indo-European, morphology
Maribel Romero [ index of papers | ftp directory ]
Formal semantics, the syntax-semantics interface, and computational semantics

Post Doctoral Fellows, Visitors, etc.

Christine Brisson
Anna Papafragou [ index of papers ]
Modality, lexical semantics, semantics-pragmatics interface, language acquisition, language and cognition, early communicative abilities in children
Irina Sekerina [ index of papers ]
Slavic & Russian linguistics, psycholinguistics (adult sentence processing and L1 acquisition), syntax (GB and Minimalism), experimental methods



Former Faculty, Post-Docs, etc.

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